
我目前拥有两台台式机,一台笔记本,其中一台台式机是朋友送的,配置是最高的一台(GTX660的显卡,i5的处理器),我之前有 玩儿LOL的游戏,性能是足够的,但现在不玩儿了,我发现它的性能不仅足够,而是性能还有点儿冗余,多余的性能为我带来 的不是什么好消息,而是更多的电费以及更多的噪音。而且由于安装的windows的系统(FUCK YOU Microsoft),让我很长 一段时间都认为微软等大公司用着我的电费和硬件进行分布式计算(基于微软是专有软件公司,所以我觉得我有权利进行 这种合理想象,不然我无法理解我计算机闲置时CPU的使用率仍然很高),事实上这还是在我对系统进行精简优化之后的情况.

我另外两台电脑,其中一台是我读大学是时候买的Lenovo Y450,是一台游戏本,Core Dual T6600的性能放到现在,基本只是当前主流CPU性能的零头,但对于一般的文字编辑和多媒体娱乐是完全够用的。还有一台 台式机是我毕业工作后组装的台式机。i3-2100,性能比Y450强很多,我目前主力机就是这台台式机,笔记本作为备用机, 而我朋友那台已经被我放在一边闲置了。我是根据我的需求作出这个选择的,首先我想要安静,其次能够满足我的日常需求。 查资料,看视频,听歌啥的。所以明确了目的,选择就很容易了。为了让系统资源占用最小化,我选择了artix(systemd free) GNU/Linux发行版,可定制性强,开机进入桌面系统只需6~8秒,内存占用不到200MB,简直是低配电脑的救星。 软件系统的配置方面:st,dwm,dmenu,surf,ranger,mupdf,cmus,slock,fctix(中文输入)等.服务管理器使用了runit, 我只保留了这几个服务:acpid,agetty-tty1,alsa,dbus,dnscrypt-proxy,elogind,haveged,ntpd,sshd,sulogin,udevd.

由于coreboot和libreboot目前都不支持y450,所以BIOS的自由化就没有实施,但如果未来支持的话,我肯定会尝试的。我 在此感谢这些为自由而战的朋友们。thanks!

about my equipment

I currently own two desktops and a laptop, one of which was given to me by a friend, and the configuration is the highest one (GTX660 graphics card, i5 processor), I had before play LOL games, the performance is sufficient, but now do not play, I found that its performance is not only sufficient, but the performance is also a bit redundant,The extra performance brings me not good news, but more power bills and more noise. And because of the installation of the windows system (FUCK YOU Microsoft), For a long time I thought that Microsoft and other large companies were using my electric and hardware for distributed computing (based on the fact that Microsoft is a proprietary software company, so I felt I had the right to Speculation,Otherwise I couldn't understand the high CPU usage when my computer was idle), and in fact this was after I had streamlined and optimized my system.

My other two computers, one of them is when I was in college to buy Lenovo Y450,Dual T6600 performance to now, basically just a fraction of the current mainstream CPU performance, but for general text editing and multi media entertainment is enough, the other desktop pc I assembled after graduating from work. i3-2100, the performance is much stronger than Y450, my current main machine is this. The laptop is used as a Spare machine, and my friend's one has been put aside for me to idle. I made this choice based on my needs, firstly I wanted to be quiet, and secondly to be able to meet my daily needs. Checking information, watching videos, listening to songs and so on. So the purpose is clear, the choice is easy. In order to minimize system resources, I chose artix (systemd free) GNU/Linux distribution, customizable, boot up the desktop system in 6 to 8 seconds, the memory occupies less than 200MB, is The savior of low configuration computers. Software system configuration: st, dwm, dmenu, surf, ranger, mupdf, cmus, slock, fctix (Chinese input), etc.. Service Manager uses runit, I only keep these services: acpid, agetty-tty1, alsa, dbus, dnscrypt-proxy, elogind, haveged,ntpd,sshd,sulogin,udevd.

Because of coreboot and libreboot currently do not support y450, so the BIOS freedom is not implemented, but if the future support, I will certainly try. Thanks to those who are fighting for freedom. thanks! and you are not alone!