Some questions about AI

AI会撒谎吗?算法不会撒谎,但编写控制AI算法的组织或个体会撒谎,它们会将算法向有利于它们的方向运作,为控制服务。 完全自主的AI是否允许存在?如果AI是不可控的,那么控制AI的资本和权利会率先切断这些算法的电源或者网络。 类似事情已经发生过了 ,AI技术是组织们手中的潘多拉魔盒,它只可能在可控的情况下存在,目前的人脸识别,动作捕捉,语音识别, 文本识别,步态识别等领域都属于可控领域。个人对完全自主的AI应用并不乐观。 AI技术有个最大的问题就是依赖大数据,而随着人们网络隐私安全意识的提高,大公司想获得大众的数据越来越困难。 像抖音这类充满垃圾资讯和广告的平台最终会被抛弃,组织为了避免这种情况的发生,利用"疫情"运动,试图将人们与智能设备尽可能捆绑,让你不得不用,以此来保证这些依赖数据的算法的有效运行。

Does AI lie? Algorithms don't lie, but the organizations or individuals whom write the algorithms and control AI do, and they operate the algorithms in their favor in the service of control. Is fully autonomous AI allowed to exist? If AI is uncontrollable, then the capital and power to control AI will be the first to cut the power or network to those algorithms. Something like this has already happened, AI technology is a Pandora's Box in the hands of organizations, and it can only exist in a controlled manner, as is currently the case with face recognition, motion capture, voice recognition, text recognition, gait recognition, etc. all belong to the controllable field. Personally, I am not optimistic about fully autonomous AI applications. One of the biggest problems with AI technology is its reliance on big data, and as people's awareness of online privacy and security increases, it is increasingly difficult for large companies to obtain data from the public. Platforms like tiktok, which is full of spam and ads, will eventually be abandoned by people.To avoid this, organizations are running "epidemic" campaigns to try to tie people to smart devices as much as possible, so that you have to use them to ensure that these data-dependent algorithms work effectively.